PhDbase installed. Press Alt-H to activate. Show PHDBASE osORDINFO talkz escapez escape notifyz safetyz exactz udfparmsz error do errproc with error(), message(), message(1), sys(16), lineno(), sys(103), sys(100), sys(101) No database is in USE in the current work area. error bad_dbf = .t. Unable to gain EXCLUSIVE use of file. Cannot complete Build operation! on error &olderror on error &olderror Select Quick Search Index Fields to Add/Delete fields, when finished, to Cancel. FFFQ^D records will be indexed on 1 field. Proceed? (Y/N) FFFQ^D records will be indexed on fields. Proceed? (Y/N) phdbase( error bad_idx = .t. index on phdbase(&index_fld) tag (newtag) additive on error &olderror Insufficient disk space to create index! Press any key... You are now ready to do a Quick Search! Free up some disk space and try again! Press any key... PHD_HIDE TALKSTAT sTALKOUT NOTISTAT ESCASTAT IESCADO SeSAFESTAT xEXACSTAT APARMSTAT 4ERRSTAT OLDERROR oBAD_DBF onBAD_IDX wiMSELECT PREPFILE MPREPCDX osMORDER memPOS vailabFLD_LIST eCURR_LIST NFIELDS DOMCHOICE utINDEX_FLD NEWTAG ltPREPDBF iGETTABLE BLDSFLDS GETFIELD HOICE oGETTAG CHIMES RESTENV STARTFREQ ENDFREQ sFREQSTEP DURATION PAUSE MINDEX TAGCOUNT set color of scheme 5 to ,,,,&acttitle set color of scheme 5 to &currscheme SHOWWIND MLINE sWROW WTITLE WCOL ICURRSCHEMEACTTITLE phdbase.hlp File F PHDBASE.HLP not found! talkz exclusivez error do errproc with error(), message(), message(1), sys(16), lineno(), sys(103), sys(100), sys(101) PHDBASE PhDbase Developer's Edition Site license information PRODUCTS Other KA products CREDITS Credits phdbase.hlp This information has been removed from the help file! memowidthz PHDBASE PHDBASE Press Esc When Finished on error &errstat MCODE TALKSTAT sERRSTAT EXCLSTAT WAREA ISHOW_WIN EMEM_WIDTH W_WIDTH EW_HEIGHT 4T_TEXT TOPIC oDETAILS talkz escapez sysmenuz error do errproc with error(), message(), message(1), sys(16), lineno(), sys(103), sys(100), sys(101) s1="You are using an UNREGISTERED, TRIAL copy of PhDbase. If you use "+ "this program beyond the thirty day trial period, you must order a "+ "retail copy. Note that the retail version of PhDbase REMOVES THIS "+ "SHAREWARE NOTICE."+cr_lf+ cr_lf+ "For the $99.95 + $5 s&h fee, you will receive a typeset, bound "+ "manual, the current retail version of PhDbase, support by telephone, "+ "U.S. mail and electronic mail (on CompuServe), as well as "+ "notification of major upgrades."+cr_lf+ cr_lf Developer's Editions of PhDbase are available for FoxPro and other popular database systems. Each costs $299.95, and comes with an unlimited runtime license and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Orders only: 1-800-KA-PROGS. Info: 1-212-242-1790. Fax: 1-212-242-2599. CompuServe Mail: 76004,2605. MasterCard/Visa/Company PO accepted. Mail orders: Korenthal Associates, Inc. Member, Association 230 West 13th Street of Shareware New York, NY 10011 Professionals memowidthz PhDbase Registration Information Would you like to print an order form? Please press Y or N. 78/89/110/121/ Would you like to print an order form? Please press Y or N. 78/89/110/121/ 5.25" US/Canada ordform.spr print print blank form set sysmenu &menustat on error &errstat TALKSTAT ESCASTAT sMENUSTAT ERRSTAT SHOW_WIN IMEM_WIDTH W_WIDTH W_HEIGHT EIGHT CR_LF oMCHOICE SHOW_WIN1 SHOW_WIN2 MNAME MTITLE osMCOMPANY mMADDR1 labMADDR2 eMADDR3 MPHONE DOMDISK utMCOUNTRY MPAYBY ltMCARDPONUMMEXPDATE MACTION PHDQTY NFOXQTY oCLPQTY DBAQTY PR4QTY (PRWQTY =BABQTY PRODTOT MTAXRATE MSLSTAX * MSHIPHAND NYRES PhDbORDFORM owPRTFORM Printer getdev.spr printer Printing order form... printerz PHDBASE 2.00 ORDER FORM Remit to: Korenthal Associates, Inc. Orders: 1-800-KA-PROGS 230 West 13th Street Info: 1-212-242-1790 New York, NY 10011 Fax: 1-212-242-2599 U.S.A. CIS: [76004,2605] Product Qty Price Amount PhDbase ___ $99.95 $__________ Developer's Editions: FoxPro 2.0 ___ $299.95 $__________ Clipper S'87 and 5.0 ___ $299.95 $__________ dBASE III Plus and IV ___ $299.95 $__________ 4Print ___ $49.95 $__________ 4Print for Windows ___ $69.95 $__________ Babble! + "Best of Babble!" disk ___ $35.00 $__________ Subtotal $__________ New York residents add applicable sales tax $__________ Shipping and handling, US/Canada: $5 per copy All other countries: $10 per copy $__________ Total $__________ Disk format: ( ) 5.25" ( ) 3.5" Payment by: ( ) Check (U.S. funds only, drawn on a U.S. bank) ( ) MasterCard ( ) Visa ( ) P.O. Card/P.O. #: ___________________________________ Exp. Date: ________ Signature of card holder: __________________________________________ Name: ___________________________________ Company: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Where did you get your copy of PhDbase? ____________________________ Do you have any comments or suggestions to improve PhDbase? printoutf set printer to &printout PhDbase ___ $99.95 $__________ Developer's Editions: FoxPro 2.0 ___ $299.95 $__________ Clipper S'87 and 5.0 ___ $299.95 $__________ dBASE III Plus and IV ___ $299.95 $__________ 4Print ___ $49.95 $__________ 4Print for Windows ___ $69.95 $__________ Babble! + "Best of Babble!" disk ___ $35.00 $__________ Subtotal $__________ New York residents add applicable sales tax $__________ Shipping and handling, US/Canada: $5 per copy All other countries: $10 per copy $__________ Total $__________ PhDbase F $99.95 $ Developer's Editions: FoxPro 2.0 F $299.95 $ 33333 Clipper S'87 or 5.0 F $299.95 $ 33333 dBASE III Plus or IV F $299.95 $ 33333 4Print F $49.95 $ 4Print for Windows F $69.95 $ Babble! + "Best of Babble!" disk F $35.00 $ ----------- Subtotal $F Sales tax $F Shipping & handling $F ----------- Total $F =========== Disk format: Disk format: ( ) 5.25" ( ) 3.5" Payment by: Check (U.S. funds only, drawn on a U.S. bank) Payment by: ( ) Check (U.S. funds only, drawn on a U.S. bank) ( ) MasterCard ( ) Visa ( ) P.O. # ____________ P.O. #: Card #: Exp. Date: ________ Signature of card holder: __________________________________________ P.O. #: ____________________________ mastercard/visa/ Card #: ________________________________ Exp. Date: __________ Signature of card holder: __________________________________________ Name: Name: ___________________________________________________________ Company: Company: ___________________________________________________________ Address: Address: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Phone: Phone: _______________________________ Where did you get your copy of PhDbase? ____________________________ Do you have any comments or suggestions to improve PhDbase? printoutf set printer to &printout ISBLANK PRINTOUT sPRINTSTAT MOUTDEV MFILE IMACTION ORDLINES GETDEV 4PHDQTY FOXQTY oCLPQTY DBAQTY PR4QTY PRWQTY BABQTY osPRODTOT mMSLSTAX abMSHIPHAND MDISK MPAYBY DOMCARDPONUMMEXPDATE MMNAME tMCOMPANY MMADDR1 MADDR2 MADDR3 NMPHONE talkz phdbase.set m.phcopy_memf optionsFp Memo fields will be copied to the Results database. Memo fields will not be copied to the Results database. TALKSTAT sPHCOPY_MEMOPTIONS PhDbase searches are limited to FF fields. FLDS_WIN FLD_LIST sMAX_FLDS talkz escapez error do errproc with error(), message(), message(1), sys(16), lineno(), sys(103), sys(100), sys(101) No database is in USE in the current work area. set talk &talkstat set escape &escastat phd_fldsf Select Full Search Fields to Add/Delete fields, when finished, to Cancel. on error &errstat PHD_FLDS TALKSTAT sESCASTAT MERRSTAT MMDBF MGETTABLE GETFIELD fld_array character or memo or numeric or date or logical or This file has no fields! fld_listf DO buildfld with flds_win, fld_list, max_flds fld_array Fields Selected escape enter deactivate popup deactivate popup enter phdbase.hlp helpz topicz phdbase.hlp "Building a list of fields" do fld_help wait window "Help file PHDBASE.HLP " + "not found in " + sys(2004) timeout 3 on key label end &save_end on key label esc &save_esc enter on key label enter &save_ent set topic to &htopic helpfilef helpstatf on key label f1 &f1stat WTITLE sFLD_TYPES FLD_LIST MBARCOUNT MFFCOUNT FIELD SAVE_LIST FLD_STR 4FLD_ARRAY CURRBAR oMAX_FLDS GET_FLDS MSG_WIN FLDS_WIN SAVE_ENT sSAVE_ESC mSAVE_END bHELPSTAT HELPFILE HTOPIC DOSHOWWIND tENTER MF1STAT DEACTIVATE POPUP FULLNAME talkz Remove PhDbase from the FoxPro Menu? (Y/N)e libraryzj PHDBASE.PLB TALKSTAT LIB_LIST sOTHER_LIBSCURR_LIB MCONFIRM MPHCOPY_MEMPHWARN_LIMPHD_HIDE PHD_LOADEDPHD_FLDS PHD_DBF talkz escapez escape safetyz exactz udfparmsz error do errproc with error(), message(), message(1), sys(16), lineno(), sys(103), sys(100), sys(101) phdbase.hlp helpz topicz phdbase.hlp "Quick search criteria" wait window "Help file PHDBASE.HLP " + "not found in " + sys(2004) timeout 3 No database is in USE in the current work area. No PhDbase index found. Would you like to build one? (Y/N) phcopy_memf phwarn_limf phdbase.set enter enter No PhDbase index found. Would you like to build one? (Y/N) Limit to getarr[j,2] = space(len(&getarr[j,1])) getarr[nfields,2] = space(len(&getarr[nfields,1])) Enter Search Criteria Press Esc to Cancel phwarn_limf error bad_expr = .t. scan for &getarr[nfields+1,2] next 1 on error &olderror Invalid 'F ' expression and Search expression too long! Delete one or more values and try again. count for &msearch to j and count for &msearch to j No matching records! records may be scanned. Proceed with Phuzzy search? (Y/N) possible matches found. Proceed with Phuzzy search? (Y/N) Scanning FF possible matches. Press Esc to cancel... odometerz locate for &msearch c_str = ltrim(str(recno())) + "/" + &comp_str records scanned. Press Esc to cancel... Search interrupted by user. Results may not be accurate! No matching records found! Sorting matches from most likely to least likely... spacebar spacebar keyboard chr(23) "Selecting a record" Press Spacebar to select, Esc for new search spacebar on key label spacebar &save_key "Quick search criteria" on key label enter &save_ent PHD_FLDS PHD_DBF sMSELECT BSPHD_HIDE MTALKSTAT MTALKOUT EMSAFESTAT MESCASTAT ESCADO DEDEXACSTAT PARMSTAT oERRSTAT HELPFILE HELPSTAT F1STAT HTOPIC sSEARCHDBF SEARCHCDX SEARCHAREAMORDER TEMPFILE OTEMPDBF MCURREC tBIG_WIN MGET_WIN GETARR SAVEARR TARGET oMSEARCH COMP_STR C_STR =OLDERROR BAD_EXPR AXRATE * CURRWIN FLD_STR DbNFIELDS MWIDTH owLIM_SAY lcLIM_PICT MAXPHD sroMCHOICE {NREC SAVE_KEY tSAVE_ENT MCOUNT MINTERVAL GETTABLE RESTENV SHORTNAM CONFIRM PHBUILD PHARR PHCOPY_MEMPHWARN_LIMENTER GBLDSFLDS AINSTRUCT ABLDTARG TRIMARR TRIMSRCH PHDFIND IMPHDTEST PHDNEXT SPACEBAR phdbase(F and phdbase( +','+ TARGET MSEARCH sCOMP_STR SGETARR MNFIELDS LKOUT EMPHDBASE GETARR NFIELDS MP_STR SGOTDATA MMAXLEN MLONGEST phdbase(F and phdbase( MSEARCH GETARR sNFIELDS TDATA MPHDBASE escastatf set escape &escastat escadof on escape &escado talkstatf set talk &talkstat talkoutf set talk &talkout fullstatf set fullpath &fullstat safestatf set safety &safestat exacstatf set exact &exacstat notistatf set notify ¬istat parmstatf set udfparms to &parmstat helpfilef htopicf set topic to &htopic helpstatf f1statf on key label f1 &f1stat errstatf on error &errstat PHD_HIDE HELPFILE sHTOPIC SHELPSTAT MF1STAT phdbase(FF phdbase(@ FLD_LIST sTAGCOUNT SNFIELDS Optional filter expression (e.g. state = "CA") Searching fields F Searching field F ICODE HELP_MSG sPHD_FLDS talkz escapez escape safetyz exactz udfparmsz error do errproc with error(), message(), message(1), sys(16), lineno(), sys(103), sys(100), sys(101) phdbase.hlp helpz topicz phdbase.hlp "Full search criteria" wait window "Help file PHDBASE.HLP " + "not found in " + sys(2004) timeout 3 No database is in USE in the current work area. phcopy_memf phwarn_limf phdbase.set enter enter phd_fldsf phd_dbff Select Full Search Fields to Add/Delete fields, when finished, to Cancel. Search for Limit to Enter Search Expression Press Esc to Cancel +';'+ FFFQ^D odometerz c_str = ltrim(str(recno())) + "/" + &comp_str records scanned. Press Esc to cancel... error bad_expr = .t. scan for &phd_for next 1 on error &olderror Invalid 'F ' expression scan for &phd_for c_str = ltrim(str(recno())) + "/" + &comp_str records scanned. Database has records. Press Esc to cancel... Search interrupted by user. Results may not be accurate! records scanned. No matching records found! Sorting matches from most likely to least likely... spacebar spacebar keyboard chr(23) "Selecting a record" Press Spacebar to select, Esc for new search spacebar on key label spacebar &save_key "Full search criteria" on key label enter &save_ent PHD_FLDS PHD_DBF sMSELECT STALKSTAT MSAFESTAT MESCASTAT MESCADO MEXACSTAT PARMSTAT DERRSTAT HELPFILE oHELPSTAT HTOPIC SEARCHDBF SEARCHCDX SEARCHAREAMORDER TEMPFILE TEMPDBF EAMREC CURREC OBIG_WIN GET_WIN MGETARR tTARGET MMSEARCH COMP_STR C_STR oOLDERROR BAD_EXPR (DONE =CURRWIN FLD_STR NFIELDS MWIDTH * LIM_SAY LIM_PICT bMAXPHD MCHOICE owNREC lcMCOUNT MINTERVAL MTOTAL {SAVE_ENT SAVE_KEY tPHD_HIDE F1STAT GETTABLE RESTENV PHARR PHCOPY_MEMPHWARN_LIMENTER GETFIELD ASRCH_SAY MLCOL IMRCOL GPHD_FOR AFOR_PICT AINSTRUCT APHDFIND PHDFUZZY PHDNEXT SPACEBAR pharrf mselectf phd_dbff No previous search results are available! Reconstructing search results list... talkz escapez escape safetyz exactz udfparmsz error do errproc with error(), message(), message(1), sys(16), lineno(), sys(103), sys(100), sys(101) spacebar spacebar keyboard chr(23) enter enter Press Spacebar to select spacebar on key label spacebar &save_key on key label enter &save_ent LASTITEM CURRWIN sMORDER SMREC MCURREC MTEMPFILE MTEMPDBF ACSTAT THIS_REC DSAVE_KEY TALKSTAT oSAFESTAT ESCASTAT ESCADO EXACSTAT PARMSTAT AERRSTAT PHARR MSELECT EAPHD_DBF PHD_HIDE OPHCOPY_MEMSPACEBAR MSAVE_ENT tENTER MBIG_WIN RESTENV Select database: Database already in USE. Open it AGAIN? (Y/N) error bad_dbf = error() on error &olderror PHD_DBF sWAREA SOLDERROR MBAD_DBF MISOPEN MCONFIRM FNAME sMDBF SMAREA MQUESTION RINGBELL sMCHOICE phd_hidef talkz phdbase.set Required files not found in F Please reinstall PhDbase in F set talk &talkstat phdbase.plb phdbase.plb phdbase.plb P\, PHDINIT PHDBASE PHDFIND PHDTEST PHDFUZZY PHDNEXT PHDTOP PHDBASE.PRG P:\FOXPRO20\ D:\FREE\STEVE\PHDBASE\GETDEV.SPR D:\FREE\STEVE\PHDBASE\ D:\FREE\STEVE\PHDBASE\ORDFORM.SPR D:\FREE\STEVE\PHDBASE\ C:\FOXPRO2\ PHDBASE.FXP GETDEV.SPX ORDFORM.SPX PHDBASE.PLB